Die Neujahrs-Feier Berlin Healing im Essentis BioHotel sollte ein Raum für das Austauschen neuer Ideen, neuer Energien und neuen Formen sein – und genau das war sie! Bio-Vegane Speisen, Rohkost, Yoga, Tanz und Kalligraphie standen hier genauso auf dem Programm wie Holistische Massagen, Klang-Heilung, Kakao & Feuerzeremonie und andere ursprüngliche Traditionen. Kurz gesagt waren es sechs Tage voller wunderbarer Begegnungen, Erlebnissen und Emotionen der besonderen Art.
Kopf und Herz der ganzen Veranstaltung ist Marketing Managerin Clara Ouchène. Der französische Wirbelwind stellte nicht nur das Programm zusammen, sondern gab uns auch zu jeder Minute das Gefühl mehr als Wilkommen zu sein und genau deshalb haben wir sie zum Interview gebeten:
1.Stelle Dich bitte vor – wer bist du und was machst du?
I’m Clara. A pragmatic creative with shamanic roots. I am French, Swiss and Berber from the mountains of Kabylia, living in Berlin. With all these influences, it’s not a surprise that I choose the city of the childs of the universe as a home.
I work for change. I promote consciousness with a holistic approach to it. My position as a communication marketing manager for Essentis allows me to bring my vision into reality and I’m very grateful to grow in this project. When I started working for Essentis 1 year ago, I founded the program of workshops, retreats and festivals named Essentis Community.
2.Welche beruflichen Stationen hast du vor dem Essentis BioHotel absolviert?
All my jobs had the same motivation: a research on how to impact the society positively.
I have started as Junior Account Manager in international advertising and branding agencies in Geneva and made a MBA in Strategic Marketing because I wanted to know how to manipulate the masses. Before that, I studied International Relations for the same motivation.
Afterward, I started freelancing as a Public Relations agent and Event Manager in the Art and Music scene with projects based in Switzerland, Berlin, India, London and France. I have worked for festivals, music labels, fashion designers, art residencies, artists and musicians in the subculture. On the top, I was DJ and loving it!
In my agency, I was already having a global and strategic approach of promotion and developed my own way for branding and increasing popularity of my clients. I tripped media coverages in 3 months. My idea was that with art and music, it’s possible to pass messages. Therefore, I founded my own event serie named salon der alchemisten: “a laboratory of exchanges between disciplines, people and cultures” mainly connecting music, arts and food together under a philosophical theme, and gathering around 20 artists by event who were creating as a collective.
But even that I was having a cool lifestyle, I was not satisfied and decided to get out of the illusion. A freelancer job as a coordinator for a yoga school came to me … funny how the universe work … But it’s when I get a position as a manager for a restaurant-venue that had the mission to promote consciousness that my mind opened and then I thought that it is, I can tell it openly! Then Essentis found me.
Neujahr ist ein Tor zu einer neuen Phase Deines Lebens. Um wiedergeboren zu werden und einen wunderbaren Neubeginn zu feiern, ist Berlin Healing die Chance, wie ein Phoenix wiederaufzuerstehen.
3.Wie genau kam das Berlin Healing Event zustande?
Simply because my boss asked me to create an event for New Year. During the development of the concept for the event, my heart sister from Zürich was visiting me. I prepared for her a healing program with Cacao Ceremony, Sweat Lodge, Soul Yoga, Vegan food … and then we were having this joke because before when I was DJ, we were clubbing (she is a DJ too)! So this time, it was Berlin Healing vs Berlin Clubbing, as a countercurrent from what the city is offering. As most of the visitors come to Berlin to enjoy the nightlife, I really like the idea that people come for healing instead, even more when it’s New Year!
4.Nach welchen Aspekten suchst du die Künstler/Yogalehrer/Schamanen, etc. aus?
Actually, I don’t need to look for them, they are coming to me. So I trust the universal order and for not being tricked, I check from where their inspiration is coming from. A place of love is the first criteria, then authenticity, integrity and their potential in what they do. Style is also very important, because it’s what makes you unique.
5. Welche Vision hast du für die Zukunft?
To develop an international collective network of light workers.
Ein weiterer, besonderer Aspekt dieser sechs Tage war die Gemeinschaft. Yogalehrer, Heiler, Schamenen und Teilnehmer aus der ganzen Welt haben dieses Event wirklich mehr als rund gemacht. Die beiden Mädels, Milena von Oh my Yogi und Solveig von Vegan Attitude waren mein persönliches Highlight: mehr Frauenpower geht einfach nicht!
Bildquelle: Essentis
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